Daniel Ochoa

Software Engineer

I'm a .NET full-stack developer, with skills such as:   C#/.NET, Javascript, HTML/CSS.

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Top On Netflix

A full-stack web application where users can search for the best movies on Netflix according to a minimum score, genres, release date, minimum vote count, and sorting options. Users can register accounts so that they can add movies to different watchlists.

The application uses TMDB API for its data and saves some of it in AWS RDS PostgreSQL database. The app also makes use of authentication, and it is hosted on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.


C#/ASP.NET Core MVC, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Live Site!

Blog Project

A full-stack blog website that makes use of C#/ASP.NET Core MVC. For security, it uses authentication (multiple accounts login) and authorization (Roles). It also has a Commenting system, Tags functionality, and Search functionality so that users could find articles they are interested in faster. It uses PostgreSQL as the database.


C#/ASP.NET Core MVC, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Other: SweetAlert2, Summernote

Live Site!

Loan Koala

A financial web application written in JavaScript that generates an amortization schedule for a simple interest loan.


Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Netlify

Live Site!

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